Lately, for different reasons I returned to the same question many times I did, is worth? Or rather To be an observant Jew today in a world so "modern" that seeks to constantly acquire and apparently materialism into law and if we add to that the "risks" concrete (attacks, harassment, assault , etc) to be visibly Jewish (use KIPA not work Shabat, go to a march for Israel, etc.) then this question may seem strongly valid.
But to answer this question we should do an analysis of world history and Jewish history in particular. Quickly I realize that, as King Solomon say in Kohelet 1:9 "What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be re-done because there is nothing new under the sun", the world is always interested in materialism, had always senseless wars, epidemics factors of power, and above all he was always very risky to be Jewish, more than that I would say that today is less than in the past such as after almost two thousand years we have a national Jewish state strong and protector, we have the support of powerful nations like the U.S. or England, so not all of our ancestral enemies can act with impunity, as has happened many times.
I think the key of this lies in the question Why?, Which is the purpose? Let us leave aside both the HOW? (science related to the Torah help us greatly in this question), the WHAT? (eg it is Creation?, etc.) and leave aside also the WHY? (For very attached to, but more abstract in nature). Therefore: For that we are entrusted with a task so difficult in so little time .. as Moses would say ..... Our years are seventy or eighty years to the strongest (Tehilim, Psalms 90:10).
And when I think of "difficult" I think more than anything in the abstract effects of our actions, that is rarely see the positive results of our actions in a direct way. But more importantly, what we see for us to be more perceptive, he will always be a tiny portion of reality at all. And the math helps us in this and tell us something that fascinates me and makes me more necessarily humble and it is that 1/oo = or rather a split infinity is zero ...
And thats th point ... if the purpose or for that of the Creation from G-D, is to "create a dwelling at the lower" Midrash (Tanjuma, Naso 16) and this is achieved through the elevation of the matterial things to a spiritual plane, "The refinement of the sparks (Birur Nitzotzot in mystical terms), If that is the purpose then I wonder how is it that we should live as a blind in a very short period of time, in our passage this plane of existence? This is something that really bothers me ...Now...
And thats th point ... if the purpose or for that of the Creation from G-D, is to "create a dwelling at the lower" Midrash (Tanjuma, Naso 16) and this is achieved through the elevation of the matterial things to a spiritual plane, "The refinement of the sparks (Birur Nitzotzot in mystical terms), If that is the purpose then I wonder how is it that we should live as a blind in a very short period of time, in our passage this plane of existence? This is something that really bothers me ...Now...
If we Take a deep Look at the Creation we would realize it might seem incredible that the man is the goal, the pinnacle of everything, y would almost say it is egocentric, the stars for example are born, grow and die such as men, But it takes millions and billions years in the process!! and if we look at the amount we marvel, just in our galaxy has an average diameter of about 100,000 light years, is estimated to contain between 200 and 400 billion stars, while it is estimated that there are over one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe¡¡
But despite such magnitude, we should think that it is estimated that nearly three quarters of the total mass-energy of the universe is dark energy and whether in fact the universe is expanding, everything would probably end on a very long night. In addition and in relation to that the science gives us the possibility of many universes (see superstrings theory, M theory, etc.).
Then I again ask the question .. Is it worth so much effort to be as seemingly insignificant, so fleeting and fragile and still have the audacity to say I'm here?
Then I again ask the question .. Is it worth so much effort to be as seemingly insignificant, so fleeting and fragile and still have the audacity to say I'm here?

The answer is... Yes..., and also that the key to creation is, without doubt, The Man, because man and more emphatically the Jew who ultimately is who makes the bridge or act as the connecting point between heaven and earth "who descends one and lifts the other one, to merge into one reality".
And this seems even more fascinating to me that the vast cosmos and the microcosm at the quantum level, while being sincere i stand firm that all this view makes us more sensitive, to see all this knowledge helps us to see beyond the "Matrix", the mask of the world and raises our level of consciousness of the oneness, and especially what is at stake, although again it is only a tiny proportion of the understanding of the infinite ...
About Time

About the time that seems so little, and it eludes us, but especially so ephemeral... seem so little in terms of what we are required .. On this I am reminded of two responses, one my father gave me and the other from brother,
The first is simply that time is relative E = mc2, then there what is little or much? that would be directly proportional to the information that we invest in it (the time), as indeed faster an object moves in relation to another slower time passes ... or in other words the more you make, the more you would have lived ...
The first is simply that time is relative E = mc2, then there what is little or much? that would be directly proportional to the information that we invest in it (the time), as indeed faster an object moves in relation to another slower time passes ... or in other words the more you make, the more you would have lived ...
The second answer is that.. isn't better that this ephemeral existential level passes quickly and then move on to another truly "stable" (called Gan eden, Olam haba, etc.)??.
What we know with certainty is what we said the first principle of thermodynamics which states that the total energy in any isolated system (no interaction with any other system) remains unchanged with time, but this energy can be transformed into another form of energy. In summary, the law of conservation of energy states that energy can not be created nor destroyed, can only be changed from one form to another ... What gives us the Jewish Mysticism in this sense is that defines specifically names to those states.
In order to make a conclusion I would like to think that one way or another .. to be the cornerstone of creation (all creation, "ABIA" see different worlds in jewish misticism), or being anything, while living in a way that our actions do reflect on the eternity or live alone as a point lost in the universe of any size world of "Asia" (three-dimensional world) ..
It's worth all this great mise en scene and the monumental task given to the Jewish world in particular and to Mankind in general.
Ionatan Hakohen, shalom.6.26 (El-Blog-del-shalom)
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