The cave that receives the name of SHEM AND EVER is in Tzfat's downtown, to a few minutes of the Old City.

The Jewish Tradition identifies this cave as the room of study of the son of Noaj, Shem (of Shem it(he,she) is that we receive the Semites' name) and Ever (his(her,your) great-grandson).
According to some Jewish traditions (Talmud, Nedarim 32b; Bereshit Rabbah 46:7; Bereshit Rabbah 56:10; Vaikra Rabbah 25:6; Bamidvar Rabbah 4:8.), SHEM believes himself(herself) that it has been Melquisedec, King of Salem (Then Jerusalem). Abraham met Shem, after the battle of four kings.

(1 Divrei Haiamim / I Crónicas 1:24-27)
IAAKOV THE PATRIARCH, According to Rashi, on having gone of his home at 63 years old (from Israel to Haran, wherefrom he returned with his four wives and 12 tribes) was 14 years in the legal academy of his ancestors Shem and Ever studying the "Torah" of his time, Later he studied the Jewish law there with his son Iosef.
The children were waved in herinterior (Bereshit 25:22).
Rashi makes clear that when Rivka was passing opposite to the door of the house of study of Shem and Ever, Yaakov waved for going out, but when she was passing for a house of idolatry, Esav was waved for going out.
In a very early ‘Midrash’ from the oral Jewish tradition, it is said: “Anyone who studies Torah in this world, even in the world to come he will not be allowed to rest, but he is led to the study hall of Shem and Ever”. 

Jewish travelers who visited Tzfat during the Middle Ages note that this is the burial place of two of the earlies Mishnaic sages – over 2000 years ago – Rabbi Hanina ben Harcinnes and Rabbi Dosa ben Harcinnes.
The Holy Ari also talks about the cave and its special powers, noting that its name in Arab tradition is “Sons of Jacob”.
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