Israel Ben Eliezer (ca. 1698, Okopy Swietej Trójcy - May 22, 1760, Medzhybizh) Founder of Hassidic Judaism.
Great mystic, known as "the Holy Ba'al Shem" (der Heiliger Baal Shem in Yiddish), or more commonly, Baal Shem Tov or Basht. Ba'al Shem Tov's name is translated as the Master of the Divine Name. At school, was distinguished by his frequent disappearances, was always found in the forests surrounding the place, enthusiastically enjoying the beauties of nature. Many of his disciples believe that he comes from the line David.
"Jai Elul - 18 Elul - is the most significant date in the calendar Hassidic. The founder of the Hassidic, Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov, was born on this date in 1698. That same day, 36 years later, the Baal Shem Tov began to publicly disseminate his teachings, after many years of belonging to the "hidden tzadikim" during which he lived disguised as a simple innkeeper and clay-gatherer, his greatness was known only to a very small circle of fellow mystics and disciples. Elul 18 is also the day he is born - in 1745 - Rabi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, often known as the grandson "spiritual" the Baal Shem Tov.
There were other mystics before the Baal Shem Tov who dealt with the simple folk. But for them life was a dichotomy: The study of the work was a mystical world and its relations with other people was simple-a world affected by its mysticism, but very, very distant from it.
The Baal Shem Tov said: "These are not two worlds. They are intimately connected.'s Kabbalah Ari has so much to do with the ascetic with the simple innkeeper or farmer seed potatoes, which are used to di-s with all his heart . In fact, the simple Jew, the great simplicity of the Infinite Light shines best "
A letter from Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov to his brother-in law of Kitov Rabbi Guershon
Rosh Hashanah in the year 5507 (1746 CE) made a lifting of the soul by means of a promise, as you know, and I saw wonderful things he had never seen before.
It is impossible to describe in words what I saw and learned, even face to face ... Ascended from level on level, until they entered the chamber Mashiaj, where he studied Torah with all Tanaim and tzadikim and even with the Seven Shepherds (Abraham, Yitzhak, Iaakov, Moshe, Aharon, David and Shlomo) ... Mashiaj I asked, "When will you come, master?" And he answered, "So what you know: When your teachings will be made public and revealed in the world, and your sources spilled out toward the far end, where I have taught you and your comprehendido and even they will be able to perform unifications and elevations as you, then they will cease to exist all kelipot or "shells", and will be a time of goodwill and salvation.
" I was surprised with great distress, to think about all the time remaining for that to happen, when will be? But what I learned there, three practice and three powerful Sacred Names, simple to learn and explain my mind calmed down and thought that it is possible that through this, men of my nature to be able to reach levels similar to mine ... But I was not allowed to reveal this in my entire life ... But I can tell you this, and want to help God: your way is always in the presence of God and should always be aware of your prayer time and study.
That every word from your lips tend to unity, because each letter must Worlds, Souls and Divinity, and amount and they are connected and unified with each other, then the letters are connected and unified to become words, and (then ) are unified in true union in the Divinity. Fill your soul with them in any occasion.
Personal Opinion
THE BAAL Shem Tov undoubtedly taught us that the essence of a Jew does not depend on their knowledge or their material possessions or even their Spiritual abilitys". BUT THE SIMPLE ESSENCE OF ITS THAT ARE UNITED WITH THE CREATOR.
In my humble opinion I guess that's why he liked to Help every Jew and Jew, because he focused on its essence , it is interesting to see that for oneself on the people, only if we break all the "klipas" (Shells) we would be able to see THE SIMILARITIES THAT WE HAVE. AND FOR SURE THAT WE HAVE... A SPECIAL PLACE THAT IS WHERE THAT IS OPENLY MANIFESTED IS IN JERUSALEM amd more especific at the Kotel (Western Wall) where people that never met before (at least in this life) Gather to pray, talk, etc, thereyou may see THE ESSENCE OF A SIMPLE JEW, wehre all become one (malchut of Atzilut- Rachel (mistic concept). That kind of Experiences bring me Shalom.
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